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航空航天系列.真空感应熔炼和真空电弧再熔、渗碳变硬的零下处理和回火的FE-PL5101(13MoCrNiV4-4-3-1)钢 机加工用棒De小于或等于30mm,1315MPa小于或等于Rm小于或等于1650MPa

Aerospace Series Steel FE-PL5101 (13MoCrNiV4-4-3-1) Vacuum Induction Melted and Vacuum Arc Remelted Carburized, Hardened, Sub-Zero Treated and Tempered Bar for Machining De Less Than or Equal to 30 mm 1 315 MPa Less Than or Equal to Rm Less Than or Equal

国外标准 现行

标准号:AECMA PREN 4088-1997

标准名称: 航空航天系列.真空感应熔炼和真空电弧再熔、渗碳变硬的零下处理和回火的FE-PL5101(13MoCrNiV4-4-3-1)钢 机加工用棒De小于或等于30mm,1315MPa小于或等于Rm小于或等于1650MPa

英文名称:Aerospace Series Steel FE-PL5101 (13MoCrNiV4-4-3-1) Vacuum Induction Melted and Vacuum Arc Remelted Carburized, Hardened, Sub-Zero Treated and Tempered Bar for Machining De Less Than or Equal to 30 mm 1 315 MPa Less Than or Equal to Rm Less Than or Equal



