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卫星地面站和系统(SES).满足导则R&TTE中条款3.2基本要求的在27.5 GHz到29.5 GHz频带范围向地球同步轨道卫星发射信号的卫星交互式终端(SIT)和卫星用户终端(SUT)欧洲协调标准

Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonized EN for Satellite Interactive Terminals (SIT) and Satellite User Terminals (SUT) transmitting towards geostationary satellites in the 27,5 GHz to 29,5 GHz frequency bands covering essential requirement

国外标准 现行

标准号:ETSI EN 301 360-2006

标准名称: 卫星地面站和系统(SES).满足导则R&TTE中条款3.2基本要求的在27.5 GHz到29.5 GHz频带范围向地球同步轨道卫星发射信号的卫星交互式终端(SIT)和卫星用户终端(SUT)欧洲协调标准

英文名称:Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonized EN for Satellite Interactive Terminals (SIT) and Satellite User Terminals (SUT) transmitting towards geostationary satellites in the 27,5 GHz to 29,5 GHz frequency bands covering essential requirement



