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(撤回)优化无线电话线路海上中频和高频的移动频带.8C部分 海上移动服务.电话技术和相关问题

(WITHDRAWN) Improvements in the Performance of Radiotelephone Circuits in the MF and HF Maritime Mobile Bands - Section 8C - Maritime Mobile Service; Telephony and Related Subjects

国外标准 现行

标准号:ITU-R 475-1-1974

标准名称: (撤回)优化无线电话线路海上中频和高频的移动频带.8C部分 海上移动服务.电话技术和相关问题

英文名称:(WITHDRAWN) Improvements in the Performance of Radiotelephone Circuits in the MF and HF Maritime Mobile Bands - Section 8C - Maritime Mobile Service; Telephony and Related Subjects


