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无线电设备和系统(RES).调幅使用VHF波段(118 MHz-137 MHz)的航空移动业务中航空电台的无线电收发机.振幅特性和测量方法

Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Radio Transmitters and Receivers at Aeronautical Stations of the Aeronautical Mobile Service Operating in the VHF Band (118 MHz - 137 MHz) Using Amplitude Characteristics and Methods of Measurement

国外标准 现行

标准号:ETSI ETS 300 676-1997

标准名称: 无线电设备和系统(RES).调幅使用VHF波段(118 MHz-137 MHz)的航空移动业务中航空电台的无线电收发机.振幅特性和测量方法

英文名称:Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Radio Transmitters and Receivers at Aeronautical Stations of the Aeronautical Mobile Service Operating in the VHF Band (118 MHz - 137 MHz) Using Amplitude Characteristics and Methods of Measurement



