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在无线电规则5.430A号,5.432A号,5.432B号和5.433A号中,国际移动通信(IMT)服务点在工作频段为3 400-3 600 MHz的指定位置是否在电力通量密度限制内传输的确定方法

Methodologies for determining whether an IMT station at a given location operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz would transmit without exceeding the power flux-density limits in the Radio Regulations Nos. 5.430A, 5.432A,.432B and 5.433A

国外标准 现行

标准号:ITU-R S.1856 SPANISH-2010

标准名称: 在无线电规则5.430A号,5.432A号,5.432B号和5.433A号中,国际移动通信(IMT)服务点在工作频段为3 400-3 600 MHz的指定位置是否在电力通量密度限制内传输的确定方法

英文名称:Methodologies for determining whether an IMT station at a given location operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz would transmit without exceeding the power flux-density limits in the Radio Regulations Nos. 5.430A, 5.432A,.432B and 5.433A



