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大会委员会会议报告的会议记录和总结记录,与会者名单和文件名单;世界电信标准化会议日内瓦, 9 - 1

Minutes and Summary Records of the Meetings Reports of the Conference Committees List of Participants and List of Documents; World Telecommunication Standardization Conference Geneva, 9 - 18 October 1996 217 p

国外标准 现行

标准号:ITU-T BOOK 2

标准名称: 大会委员会会议报告的会议记录和总结记录,与会者名单和文件名单;世界电信标准化会议日内瓦, 9 - 1

英文名称:Minutes and Summary Records of the Meetings Reports of the Conference Committees List of Participants and List of Documents; World Telecommunication Standardization Conference Geneva, 9 - 18 October 1996 217 p



